Recent News

⚡ $~$ 09 / 2024 $~$ - $~$ 1 paper submitted to Nature Comput. Sci.
⚡ $~$ 09 / 2024 $~$ - $~$ 2 paper submitted to ICLR
🎉 $~$ 09 / 2024 $~$ - $~$ 1 NeurIPS paper is accepted
🎉 $~$ 08 / 2024 $~$ - $~$ 1 IEEE TIV paper is accepted
🎉 $~$ 04 / 2024 $~$ - $~$ Gold award (1$^{\text{st}}$ place) in Wuyue Cup
🎉 $~$ 01 / 2024 $~$ - $~$ Receive RONG Scholarship
🎉 $~$ 05 / 2023 $~$ - $~$ Best Oral Presentation, THU Acad. Forum
🎉 $~$ 04 / 2023 $~$ - $~$ 1 ICML paper is accepted
🎉 $~$ 11 / 2020 $~$ - $~$ Receive Zhixing Scholarship
🎉 $~$ 10 / 2020 $~$ - $~$ Receive National Scholarship
🎉 $~$ 10 / 2019 $~$ - $~$ 2 silver medals in ACM-ICPC / CCPC